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If you have a cold, sore throat, runny nose, cough or fever, or if you feel you require testing, please call the practice first so that we can assess whether it is suitable for you to come in for an examination. We are offering both face to face and telehealth consultations.
If you have had close contact with a person who has tested positive, (That is: face to face for 15 minutes or at least 2 hours in a closed space) Please call the practice before making an appointment.
If you have tested negative but still have cold/flu like symptoms, please wear a mask when visiting the surgery. Check in at reception and then take a seat in our verandah waiting area
Which COVID-19 Vaccines are available?Dunn Bay Surgery continues to offer a safe and supportive environment to access COVID-19 vaccines for all patients aged 5 years and over. We currently offer Pfizer & Moderna Bivalent Boosters
I have tested positive for COVID-19 and would like to discuss accessing COVID-19 oral antiviral treatment with my GPSpecific vulnerable patients are eligible for COVID-19 oral antiviral treatment after they test positive for COVID-19. This treatment is most effective when started soon after diagnosis. Dunn Bay Surgery can offer Telehealth appointments to ensure prompt access to this treatment for our most vulnerable patients. Face to face appointments for patients with respiratory symptoms Patients with respiratory symptoms are required to have a negative PCR COVID-19 test within past 72 hours or negative RAT test within the past 24 hours of their appointment time.
Waiting outside when visiting Dunn Bay SurgeryIf you have respiratory symptoms and have tested negative for COVID-19, we ask you to wait outside or in your car for your appointment and we will let you know when your doctor is ready to see you.
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